About Us

Are you a graduate student?  Are you looking for professional dissertation assistance or an accountability partner as you grow through the dissertation process?  When you want to make real gains and see your progress quicker than you could on your own what do you do?  If it is fitness goals you are trying to achieve, you find a trainer or a friend to train with.  When you want to get better at a new skill, you find a mentor or teacher to guide you in your learning.  When you want to complete that dissertation more quickly than you can alone, you go to Finish It Pro.  We are your accountability partner.  We are the guide that helps you navigate the rough waters that threaten to flip your raft in the rapids.  When you decide you want to finish it, contact us.

Are you an organizational leader?  What did it cost you last year when you did not complete that project?  The one that would have helped you to meet that strategic goal.  The project that died shortly after it started.  The project that would have taken you out of the daily grind and finally given you time to focus on opportunities that will strengthen your competitive advantage?  If you just had someone to help you finish that project.  Now you do.  Contact Finish It Pro.

We help motivated individuals and organizations finish that important project

Meet Philip Shields

Many values were instilled in me growing up in a small country town, but one of the most valuable was, in the words of Winston Churchill, “Never give in. Never give in. Never, never, never, never—in nothing, great or small, large or petty—never give in, except to convictions of honour and good sense. Never yield to force. Never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.”  That value and faith move mountains and change the course of rivers.

The academic shock of my freshman year as a chemistry major in college shook me.  I watched my 4.0 decline to a 3.0 and then fall into the 2’s.  That meant no more academic scholarship and new challenges in completing my degree.  C’s do equal degrees at the bachelor’s level and I stumbled out of college with no debt, a service commitment and a BS in Chemistry.  I learned hard lessons in business and after struggling for 10 years I decided to get educated in the area of my deficiency.  By the end of my Master’s in Management I finally knew who I was a student.  The lessons I learned in those three years would have been great to know during my first 10 years in business.  On a side not, it was a two-year program.  You didn’t think that someone that stumbled through his undergraduate would be a superstar in graduate school, did you?  Several years later, on the advice of a mentor, I began my doctorate studies.  During this wonderful, and extremely challenging, three and half years I discovered who I was as a scholar.   Now I enjoy helping other dedicated individuals do the same.  The practical skills that I picked up along that journey in management, Lean Six Sigma, and operations help me serve men and women that I respect, the small business leader.

Let’s get started

If you would like to sign up for either our Academic or Organizational services, please fill out the form and I will get back to you as soon as possible.


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